You do not have to worry if you are caught up in such a situation. You can easily apply for poor credit rating loans holders even.
These lenders provide you with instant cash to clear out your earlier borrowed loans. Your credit history is not going to matter to the lender. You may have a really poor credit rating having been a defaulter or having gone bankrupt in the past. But none of this will negatively impact your chances of availing loans.
Poor credit rating loans give you flexibility in terms of the repayment options and loan amount. Let the lender know how much is required and that will be matched against your repayment abilities to finalize the loan. You are going to be given a flexible enough tenure to repay the money to the lender even.
The lender just requires you to fill out an online application form present on the concerned website. Once the loan is sanctioned it gets credited to your bank account directly. The duration taken to process all of this is just a matter of 24 hours.
The lenders do not require your physical presence for carrying out any sort of paperwork etc. There will be no enquiry as to how or where you are spending the borrowed money.
You are not charged any processing fees nor will any hidden charges be levied. You just have to pay the principal amount and the nominal interest rate towards the loan offered.
You can even end up having an improved credit rating. That is possible if repayment is done on time by you.